ANGAME30.ZIP 300,811 12-09-96 ===> NO GAMES AT WORK <=== Have you everconsidered how many employee working hoursare wasted playing PC games? What aboutnetwork performance degradation and wasteddisk space? YOU could achieve substantial
AV611.ZIP 138,118 11-30-96 AV.EXE (6.11): Archive directory viewer.Presents list of files in archive (ZIP, ARC,etc) and lets you sort as desired. Alsoallows resetting of the file date based onthe archive's contents. Freeware.
BATCAT11.ZIP 1200,176 11-09-96 DiskCatalog system for floppy-disk andCD-rom. Reads through entire volume andARJ-ZIP-LZH-ARC archives.Easy retrieval,filtering and sorting command-syntax.Supports wild-card search through your entire
BATKIT57.ZIP 88,844 09-11-96 BATKIT v5.7 - Batch file utilities. GETKEYdisplays a message (plain or fancy), gets aresponse (255 char max) from user & stores itin an env. variable or ERRORLEVEL. Manyoptions-response verify & logging, response
BATPWR02.ZIP 127,428 10-02-96 BFDS: BATPWR02.ZIP is a compilation of msgsappearing in the FidoNet International echo,BATPOWER, between 27 Feb 96 and the date ofthis file. by Bat Lang.
BKPWIZ31.ZIP 366,585 11-21-96 Harness the Operating system (DOS/WIN) to doALL Backup/Restore work FOR YOU!!
CF604.ZIP 266,594 11-11-96 CMFiler File Manager v6.04 <ASP> - Selectedfor SoftKey's Titanium Seal 1% Best UtilitiesCD-ROM! Acclaimed by PC Mag! Now with Win95long filename support! Side-by-side trees ordir listings. Full suite of dir/file
CHANG611.ZIP 93,829 11-30-96 CHANGE.EXE (6.11): Processes change commandsin files. Files can be of any size and type(e.g. binary or text) and are processedquickly. Up to thirty change commands can beprocessed in a single pass. Also provides
CLUSTER2.ZIP 87,001 10-04-96 CLUSTERS v2.0 reports HD waste in clustersize PowerBASIC source code is included. Thesource contains a library of routines fordoing text-mode boxes, that you are free touse in your own PowerBASIC programs. This
COPS611.ZIP 81,241 11-30-96 COPSINCE.EXE (6.11): Copies all filesmodified since a given date. Primarily usedfor making sure you have a back-up of filesand also to copy updated programs to anotherplace. Lets you define your own groupings of
CUTPAK11.ZIP 279,427 09-26-96 Clay's Utilities for DOS Batch Proces- sesinclude numerous DOS command line utilitiesfor file interpretation and modification(ASCII, binary, and INI formats), DLLinternal info reporting, user input
DANCE10H.ZIP 1428,058 12-11-96 ScreenDance is a CD player and music animatorthat comes packed with a library of sound-activated animations, making multimedia PCscome alive with dazzling light and color.Play a CD or sing in the microphone - watch
DC.ZIP 8,184 10-25-96 DC - Directory Change Utility Quickly changeto any directory on any drive. Will return toprevious directory and can store definitionsof directories to simplify the typing of longor frequently used directory names.
DNOTE412.ZIP 73,322 09-30-96 DISK NOTE LIBRARIAN - Adds file notes Diskcataloger and DOS shell in one! Now add 300character descriptions to each filename anddirectory on a disk. Kind of like BBS filelistings. V 4.1
DRH310E.ZIP 448,707 10-29-96 DR.HARDWARE SYSINFO V 3.10e This programanalyzes both hard- and software. Shows over60 win- dows filled with details about CPUand BIOS, PCI, SCSI and EIDE devices, aboutVGA adapter, CD ROM and network, memory, WIN
DTCKP150.ZIP 63,780 09-26-96 Date Check Pro version 1.50 March 19, 1996Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Monthly, or Annualmaintenance utility. May also be used togenerate semaphore files for general purposeor BBS maintenance. FREEWARE from -= Wasted
DX000.ZIP 15,335 09-15-96 Two tiny utils to convert textfiles from dosto unix, or unix to dos format - Freeware //version 0.00
EB-FREE.ZIP 4,814 09-09-96 FREE 1.1 - Simple utility to report on freedrive space. FREEWARE of course, includessource code!
EM80.ZIP 172,326 12-07-96 EASY MENU 8.0 Hard Disk Menu. Simplest andmost flexible hard disk menu available. Up to200 items on any menu with alphabetic search.Any number of sub-menus. Each item can beannotated open access, password or
EXTRAC21.ZIP 34,570 09-27-96 EXTRACT 2.10: Extract files from disk imageusing PKUNZIP UNARJ like syntax. You canextract files from floppy image created byWinImage (same author), DCF, DF, Sabdu, andmany disk copy tools which create a disk
FILL611.ZIP 93,527 11-30-96 FILL.EXE (6.11): Program designed to movefiles off to floppy diskettes, taking thebiggest files first and skipping those thatwon't fit. Also provides option of splittinglarge files, creating a status report, and
FILUP611.ZIP 74,429 11-30-96 FILUPDAT.EXE (6.11): Program which compares aselected list of files in a source pathagainst those in another path and copiesthose that have been updated. Similar to DOS'REPLACE command but works from a stored list
FORTN611.ZIP 73,123 11-30-96 FORTUNE.EXE (6.11): A tuner-upper for the DOSFOR command. Generates a batch file(typically) which does all those wildcardthings you wished FOR could do (like "FORTUNEIN (*.BAS) DO RENAME %A %2*.*" to remove
FP-225.ZIP 891,636 12-06-96 F-PROT version 2.25 - December 1996 TheF-PROT anti-virus package contains a virusscanner combined with a disinfection program,as well as a resident monitoring program forintercepting known viruses. This program is
FU_RD19B.ZIP 37,367 10-08-96 XMS/EMS RAM disk installable and resizablefrom command line. You can also choose thedrive letter! Up to 2 Gbytes supported!Freeware by Franck Uberto.
GODIR10.ZIP 6,501 09-12-96 BFDS: GODIR - Version 1.0 PowerPlex - 12/09/9- Change Current Directory by just typing thefirst letters of the directory
HDCP30.ZIP 51,960 09-15-96 HARD DISK COPY v3.0 : Hard disk sector copy/backup utility. Ideal for Win95 backup orduplicating same configuration on multiplesystems. Very fast. Has fast mode that copyonly the portion of HD with active data.
II202.ZIP 324,783 12-20-96 INSTALLIT! is a DOS application installer,extremely easy to use, no script language,many features, occupies only 28K on disk.Built-in decompression, and other utilitiesincluded. Registration key gives you access
ITEMT100.ZIP 330,909 09-30-96 ItemTree - Outliner, organizer, notepad Thereare times when a notepad won't do and timeswhen a database is overkill. For bits of datathat you need to keep track of ItemTree maybe the solution... The data you enter,
JCKEY_IO.ZIP 11,441 10-05-96 NOT a TSR program. DOS program to eitherdisplay a key pressed on a keyboard (MF2),(decimal/hex) or write it into the so calledkeyboard buffer(KBB). Especially to automizekeystrokes with BATCH files. May allow to
LAUNCH.ZIP 233,481 10-22-96 Launch v4.40 Menu System Crystal SoftwareSmart, flexible and attractive windowed menusystem that caters for all levels of users.It has full point-&-click mouse support,context-sensitive system help with index
MMENU100.ZIP 105,296 09-30-96 "THE MAIN MENU" - Boot-up program list. Autility to create a main menu list ofspecific programs that you run frequently."The Main Menu" is ideal as a boot-up menufor computer novices who never will master
NTFSDOS.ZIP 35,988 09-16-96 Network file system (read-only) redirector foDOS/Windows that is able to recognize andmount NTFS drives for transparent access. Itmakes NTFS drives appear indistinguishablefrom standard FAT drives, providing the
PC64_E.ZIP 692,973 11-07-96 Personal C64 1.20 - C64-Emulator for PCs TheEDK contains PC64Win BETA 2.13. For endusers, 2.12 is still th last version. HandlesD64 disk images and P00 files Has converterfor T64 tape images and imports binaries
PCCLK410.ZIP 160,702 10-04-96 PCCLOCK v4.1 <ASP> - Calls NIST, USNO, or NRCatomic clock or CompuServe to get the time.Sets your PC's clock by modem to the exacttime by calling an atomic clock (usuallylong-distance) or to the nearest minute by
PROMPT.ZIP 10,341 09-06-96 Replaces your old, boring, black dos screenwith *5* Full color ansi screens. Eachdisplayed at random and changed each time ados command is executed.
PROXMAN1.ZIP 15,602 11-05-96 Disk Protection Software v1.0. Protect partsof
RUB46X.ZIP 19,396 10-22-96 BFDS: RUB (ver 4.6x) copyright 1996 is a fileremoval utility for DOS. Has been tested onDOS 3.3 - DOS 7, WIN 3.1 - WIN 95, OS/2 2.0 -WARP 4
RWFMAN12.ZIP 126,925 10-04-96 FMAN v1.2 - A compact MS-DOS File Managerthat lets you maintain Annotated DirectoryListings to help overcome the DOS 8-plus-3naming convention. Features include Copy,Move, Delete, File Search, Directory Sort.
SCN-253E.ZIP 492,769 12-08-96 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans andcleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 2.5.3 (9611)12-08-96
SDD52.ZIP 1661,747 09-22-96 Scitech Display Doctor 5.2 - The renamedUniversal VESA Driver program now supportsmore video cards. It also has more featuresfor enhancing video speed in DOS and Windows3.11/95.
SPEED.ZIP 42,332 11-18-96 SPEED Keyboard enhancement resident utilityfeaturing differing key repeat speeds,extended adjustable type-ahead buffer, autocaps- and numlock release, and easy to usekeystroke macros. Dvorak or Qwerty. Requires
TSBAT50.ZIP 126,230 09-01-96 A large collection of useful batch files andbatch programming tricks from Prof. TimoSalmi. Self-contained. No exotic externalbatch enhancers needed.
WDIR110C.ZIP 33,135 10-17-96 [Wersting] D[ir] 1.10c Replaces DIR. Manypowerful features, e.g. color coding based onthe file extensions, archive contents support(ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR), displays info for JPG,GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA, FLI/FLC, WAV.
WLDCK153.ZIP 399,919 12-06-96 World Clock v1.53 Multi-City time displayclock
ZEROIN22.ZIP 15,652 11-05-96 ZeroIn v2.2 Simon Carter,Crystal SoftwareZeroIn is a super replacement for DOS's cdcommand. It allows you to abbreviatedirectory names to just the first letter. Ifthere is more than one match you can choose